Osho Q_A

Osho short Answers to the Questions
1)Beloved Osho, Do you think your teachings will outlive you?

2)Beloved Osho, Are you God the creator?
“Do you think, I am mad”

3)Beloved Osho, How old are you?
“I am ancient.”

4) Beloved Osho, Are you the world teacher?
“I am not even a primary school teacher, and You are asking about being a world teacher.”

5) Beloved Osho, Can I doubt you?
“Yes! absolutely. Yes. including this statement”

6)Beloved Osho, How did you know that you were the blessed One?
”How do I know when I have head ache? I know it.”

7) Beloved Osho,What is your message in short?
“Take it easy”

8) Beloved Osho, Do you consider yourself a prophet?
“No, I am not so stupid. I don’t consider myself in anyway special, extraordinary, a messenger of God, a prophet, a messiah. No, I am just an ordinary human being like you and everybody else.”

9) Beloved Osho Is there any reason that you tell us the same things day after day?
“You are the reason!”

10) Beloved Osho, Are you a Yogi or a Buddha or a Gyani or a Tantrika?
“ Nothing of the nonsense. Don’t try to label me; Don’t try to categorize. Look at me without any words.”

11) Beloved Osho, Do Enlightened Masters lie out of Compassion?
“I don’t know about other Enlightened people, but I certainly lie!”

12) Beloved Osho, What is beyond Rebellion, beyond aloneness, beyond Meditation?

13) Beloved Osho, Are you from Outer space?
“Of course!”

14) Beloved Osho, What is a blessing?
“I am!”

15) Beloved Osho, Who are you without your disciples?
“I am. I am whether disciples are there or not, That is irrelevant. I am not dependent on you. And my whole effort here is that you can also become independent of me.”

16) Beloved Osho, A saintly man would never say ‘Fuck ‘ or ‘shit’.
“Then after me you will have to change the definition of the saintly man.”

17) Beloved Osho, What is the Goal of meditation?
“There is ‘NO GOAL’ of meditation. Meditation is the dropping of all goals. Goals exist in the future; Meditation is to be in the present. There is no meeting ground between the present and the future.”

18) Beloved Osho, Do you have a master/disciple relationship with the people here?
“No, they are all my friends.”

19) Beloved Osho, What is the basic reason for the Maroon robes, for the mala the locket? What is the rationale?
“There is none. It is just absurd.”

But if it is absurd, then why do you impose it?”
“Precisely, that is why”

20) Beloved Osho Why are you so much against knowledge?
“Knowledge is destructive of something immensely valuable in you. It destroys your wonder. And it is through wonder that one becomes aware of Godliness not through knowledge.”

21) Beloved Osho, What happens if Osho dies? Will there be a successor?
“Who cares?”

22) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between longing for the Divine and loving another?
“There is no difference at all. All desires are the same. You can desire money. You can long for God, but you remain the same.”

23) Beloved Osho, What is Greed?
“Man feels meaningless, empty, and hollow within and wants to fill it, stuff it. It means a desire for more without seeing the total futility of it! If less is not giving you anything. Then it is not going to happen by having more of the same.

24) Beloved Osho, How did you feel before you were Enlightened?
“Just like you! Just stupid!”

25) Beloved Osho, What does the future hold for you and for Osho-ees?
“I never think of the future. We are happy now.”

26) Beloved Osho, when we don’t understand you rightly. How do you feel?
“I simply feel that you don’t understand me. If you understand Good; if you don’t understand Good, It is not a question of feeling. I don’t feel hurt. I don’t feel frustrated, because from the very beginning NOT expecting you to understand”

27) Beloved Osho, What do you think? Is Jesus coming back to earth again as he had promised or not?
“Once a man becomes awakened, he cannot come back. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna are all promised to come back. Nobody has come yet and nobody is going to comeback. It is against the law of life.”

28) Beloved Osho, You said if I must choose, “I prefer to be Zorba rather that Buddha “what does it mean?
“It means that Zorba is the foundation and Buddha is the palace. Buddha is the peak but the foundation stones are laid by Zorba.”

29) Beloved Osho. What is the Holy Fire?
“I am.”

30) Beloved Osho, Can a woman really drive a man crazy?
It depends on the man. If he is wise he becomes a henpecked husband. If he is not so wise then there is no other way than to be crazy!”

31) Beloved Osho, What is courage?
“There is only one courage and that is the courage to go on dying to the past. Not to collect it. Not to accumulate it. Not to cling to it.”

32) Beloved Osho, Please talk about surrender and obedience?
“On the surface they appear alike, but they are polar opposites. Once who is surrendered need not be obedient. Obedience is needed only if there is no surrender.”

33) Beloved Osho, What do you say about divorce?
“I say divorce is useless. You get married for lack of judgment. You get divorced for lack of patience Then, You remarry for lack of memory.”

34) Beloved Osho, Do you believe in God?
“I don’t believe in believing. Nobody asked me, do you believe in the Rose Flower. There is no need you can see. The Rose Flower is there or it is not there. Only fictions, not facts have to be believed.”

35) Beloved Osho, how can we teach children to be moral and religious?
“You are not to teach children Religion and morality. You have to learn from them because they are far closer to Godliness, than you are.”

36) Beloved Osho, Is it absolutely inevitable that a Buddha will always be misunderstood?
“Yes! If a Buddha is not misunderstood then he is not a Buddha at all. Because the Buddha lives in a state which is beyond mind and we live in minds.”

37) Beloved Osho, Do you consider yourself a God?
“My God! There is no GOD. So how can I consider myself a God? God is the greatest lie invented by man.”

38) Beloved Osho, In any case do you think that you have a Big power?
“I don’t have any power. I have love, Big love but love knows, No power. Power is desired by those who are incapable of love.”

39) Beloved Osho, What was the first thing that you did after you become Enlightened?
“I laughed, seeing the whole absurdity of trying to be Enlightened. The whole thing is ridiculous, because, “WE ARE BORN ENLIGHTENED!”

40) Beloved Osho, what is the difference between Religion and Morality?
“According to Morality, the Good mind is Pure. According to Religion, the Empty mind is the pure mind.”

41) Beloved Osho, Are the Holy Scriptures just useless? And are they Holy or not?
“No, the holy scriptures are not useless, they are positively harmful. And yes they are 100% holy 50% Holy cow dung 50% Holy Bullshit.”

42) Beloved Osho, How do you make an Indian laugh on Monday?
“Tell him a joke on Friday.”

43) Beloved Osho, Is there a difference between control and Discipline?
“Discipline and control are polar opposites. Control is from the Ego. Discipline is from the non-ego. Control is unnatural. Discipline is Spontaneous. Control is sort of suppression. Discipline needs only understanding.”

44) Beloved Osho, What is the problem with going to a living Master?
“The Ego is the only difficulty. Camels avoid mountains! And people also avoid going to a Master. They are so afraid that he may change the whole direction of their lives and the ego is the cause of this fear”

45) Beloved Osho, when I feel Enlightened
a) Do I tell you? b) Do you tell me? c) Is my ego asking this question?

“No for all the three. When you become Enlightened. The Enlightenment says everything, shows everything. It is self-evident. It needs NO certificate.”

46) Beloved Osho, I want to ask something from God, what should I ask?
“Asking is not a dignified thing. Don’t go to God’s door as a beggar. “WITHOUT ASKING PEARLS ARE RECEIVED. ASK, AND YOU SHALL NOT RECEIVE A GRAIN.”

47) Beloved Osho, Are you not the Greatest, the Most daring iconoclast of all time?
“Unfortunately, I am!”

48) Beloved Osho, Is Buddha or Christ only born as such?
“No, nobody is born as such. We are all born alike. You can also become a Buddha; it is your birth right. Don’t be tricked by your mind remain Alert, Aware!”

49) Beloved Osho, Is Osho going to be like the Coca-cola Advertisement all over the world?
“Why not….?”

50) Beloved Osho, Respect, Love are they the same?
“No, they are not the same. Respect is a poor substitute for love a plastic substitute for the real rose. It may appear like the real rose, but it is not. Those who have never seen any Real rose may think that the plastic flower is the REAL ROSE!”

51) Beloved Osho, Can you also make mistakes?
“Not a few but many..........Plenty! But I am not deterred by them. I go on committing them because the TRUTH that I have known can only be related, if I am ready to commit many mistakes.”

52) Beloved Osho, Don’t we believe yours is the only way?
“I am not teaching a way, I am not giving you a Goal, I am taking all ways away, all goals away, and I am simply waking you up to, the reality of Godliness!”

53) Beloved Osho, Why are not the primitive people Enlightened?
They don’t have any personalities yet. “Unless you have a properly developed mind, you cannot enter into the state of NO-MIND. Unless you have an ego, mature you cannot surrender.”

54) Beloved Osho, Isn’t a moral character necessary for a spiritual life?
“My whole effort is to give you a consciousness not a character. Character is needed by those who don’t have consciousness. I can only give you Insight, Awareness.”

55) Beloved Osho, is there No-end to this journey?
“There is neither any beginning to this journey nor any end; we are part of the Endless, the infinite, the eternal. We have always been and we will always be.”

56) Beloved Osho, What do you say about Divorce?
“I am against Divorce. I want divorce to disappear from the world absolutely; But
The only way to do it is to destroy Marriage completely.”

57) Beloved Osho, What is the unchanging Nucleus in your vision?
“My CONSCIOUSNESS, My AWARENESS. But that you cannot find in the books. That you can find only in yourself!”

58) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between madness and Enlightenment?
“Madness is below The MIND. Enlightenment is above the mind but both are BEYOND THE MIND!”

59) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between obeying and surrender?
“There is a great difference. Obeying you remains separate. In surrender you are no more separate. Surrender is a spiritual value. Obedience is a political value.”

60) Beloved Osho, Did you have an awareness of your past lives before you were Enlightened?

61) Beloved Osho, You are so crazy!! How does it feel to be totally crazy?
“Just far out!!!!”

62) Beloved Osho, I have fallen in love with you, why?
“I am sorry. This is the only question which cannot be answered, hence the beauty of it.”

63) Beloved Osho, When is mind against itself?

64) Beloved Osho, If you were in a desert instead of being here would you feel the same?
“I am in the desert! To live with unconscious people is to live in a desert. To live with people, who are not flowering is to live in a desert. It is a human desert!”

65) Beloved Osho, What is your wish?
“I have only one wish. That what has happened to me should happen to all”

66) Beloved Osho, what are you preparing us?
“I am preparing my people for everything and nothing. The second is more important. The first is only a preparation for the second.”

67) Beloved Osho, How do you differ from others?
“All the religions teach you to believe. I teach you to doubt. They teach you to have faith. I teach you to Enquire. They give you everything readymade and I am telling you that unless you attain it by your own effort, it is absolutely useless!”

68) Beloved Osho, Why do you think that the Politicians are stupid?
“I don’t think: THEY ARE! You can look at the world you can look at the history, and you will find proofs in abundance.”

69) Beloved Osho, What is Prayer?
“Bowing down before a statue made by man, Manufactured by man and you think you are in prayer? It is God who has made us. How can we make God? But we are praying to man-made Gods.”

70) Beloved Osho, why do you speak a strange kind of English?
“I don’t know English at all. In fact, I don’t know any language really. That’s why I can go on speaking so easily unafraid, unworried, undeterred by language grammar etc.”

71) Beloved Osho, why do saints live in quiet places?
“Because they are still not saints. They are seekers not Siddha’s. They have not reached. Noise will distract them, the crowd will disturb them.”

72) Beloved Osho, Is the Master-Disciple relationship accidental or is it a conscious choice?
“It is both. As far as the master is concerned, it is absolutely a conscious choice. As far as the disciple is concerned, it is bound to be accidental. He is not conscious yet.”

73) Beloved Osho, Is not life nothing but misery?
“It depends on you. Life in itself is an Empty canvas. It becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint Misery. You can paint Bliss!”

74) Beloved Osho, How are you?
“I am the same. And you also are the same. That which changes is not our real face, is not our soul, that which does not change, Neither in life nor in death- is that alone our reality.”

75) Beloved Osho, Why do you talk only to your disciples? Why not to the masses?
“There is a Beautiful Zen saying- Let that be the Answer- I sing my songs to him, Who understand them. I drink my wine with the friend who knows me well.

76) Beloved Osho, How can one learn to recognize unreal problem as unreal?
“When you are real, all problems disappear. When you are unreal, a thousand and one problems arise.”

77) Beloved Osho, Why is it that we hear of fewer Enlightened woman than man?
“The basic reason is that man is an expert in bragging; women are not, they don’t brag much. If they attain, they enjoy it, they don’t make much fuss about it.”

78) Beloved Osho, What is a good sannyasin?
“I have never come across one because it is a contradiction. A good sannyasin -what do you mean? Can there be a bad sannayasin too? To be a sannyasin is to be goodness itself.”

79) Beloved Osho, Can’t you take anything seriously?
“I take one thing very seriously- JOKES. Besides Jokes, there is nothing serious in the world.”

80) Beloved Osho, What is Gautama the Buddha’s message in short?
“All things Being equal, You Lose; All things Being in your favour you still lose; Win or Lose, you lose!”

81) Beloved Osho, Could you please explain the relationship between spontaneous living with awareness and the conditioning of the mind? How can one be certain that something is one’s nature and not conditioning?
“If you are in doubt, it is conditioning. If there is no doubt, it is Awareness; it is a very simple criterion.”

82) Beloved Osho, Why are people so much against you?
“Out of fear they are against. But Root cause is Fear. It happens, it is bound to happen. It is nothing new.”

83) Beloved Osho, What you expect from us?
“I am not expecting anything from you. Still you go on expecting things from me. My whole effort here is to help you to be yourself. And your whole effort here is to make me something that you want me to be. Drop all this NONSENSE.”

84) Beloved Osho, Where is my heart? Where before I could feel it even physically with a lot of warm energy and an expansion inside my chest. Now it feels empty most of the time, or like a heart. There or I cannot locate it?
“Your heart is with me, I am a Master thief”

85) Beloved Osho, What is the secret of success?
“You are asking me. A man who is an utter Failure? The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.”

86) Beloved Osho, How can Trust and Doubt go together?
“There is no difficulty. Just trust in doubt. ”

87) Beloved osho, When do we gain anything?
“Only that is gained, which is gained in Being.”

88) Beloved Osho, Which is the Best country in the world and which do you believe to be the
worst country?

“INDIA” is both!”

89) Beloved Osho, What do you think of life?
“Life is wonderful, without it, you are dead!”

90) Beloved Osho, What is thought?
“Thoughts are outsiders, not yours. You are only a passage. The whole universe is filled with thoughts and things.”

91) Beloved Osho,Who is a Fool?
“He who is not aware of himself.”

92) Beloved Osho, It took you seven hundred years to get here what happened?
“Don’t you know the Indian trains?”

93) Beloved Osho, Is there any difference in the relationship of the Master to his Male disciples and his relationship to his female disciples?
“All disciples are Female. All Masters are Male.”

94) Beloved Osho, I recall you saying that when we relax the body, the mind the heart and the being. We will be home. It sounds easy but when I succeed in getting the body relaxed. I promptly fall asleep. How to relax and stay awake?
“Don’t be worried. You are already one third Enlightened.”

95) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist?
“Not much. An optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist fears. This is true.”

96) Beloved Osho, so it is clear that God doesn’t exist and witches do not exist. What about the Enlightened one?
“Never heard of any”

97)Beloved Osho, do those of us who are not acharyas, siddhas, arihants, bodhisattvas, mahasattvas or Sambuddhas have any chance of becoming enlightened in this life?
“More chances! If you are nobody you have more chance of becoming Enlightened. The moment you become somebody the doors close.”

98) Beloved Osho, What is the whole art of Religion?
“The whole art of religion is how to transform your life into a constant celebration, into an unending celebration. Celebrate everything, and then Meditation comes of its own Accord. It follows you like a shadow!”

99) Beloved Osho, In Poona, I remember you would sometimes say to sannyasins, “Good! Finally you have come; I have been waiting for you”. Osho , do you know our past lives?
“If I want to know, I can know but ordinarily I avoid knowing because your present is enough.”

100) Beloved Osho, what is right meditation and what is wrong meditation?
“If the meditator exists then it is wrong meditation. If the meditator is lost in mediation then it is a right meditation.”

101) Beloved Osho, Is J.Krishnamurti Enlightened?
“Yes, he is enlightened and he is not orthodox- But he has gone to the other extreme; He is Anti-orthodox. He hates Orthodoxy, he hates religion. Remember, I criticize it but I don’t hate it.”

102) Beloved Osho, You said, “I am a simple man”, But why do 1000 and 1000’s of people follow a simple man?
These people have been attracted towards me just because of my simplicity, Humanity. They have fallen in love with an innocent man who has no secrets and no privacy who is Absolutely Open, Available.

103) Beloved Osho, I am always worried about what others are thinking about me, what should I do?
“There is no need to do anything because I know about those others. They are constantly worried about what you are thinking about them.”

104) Beloved Osho, It has been said: “You live only once, but if you live it right once is enough?
“Once is more than enough.”

105) Beloved Osho, I have heard that when you walk your feet don’t touch the ground. Have you something to say about it?
“That’s true. When I walk my feet, don’t touch the ground but there is nothing miraculous about it. They don’t touch the ground because “ I ALWAYS WEAR SHOES’!”

106) Beloved Osho, What is your message for us?
“Drop seeking, Drop searching, Drop mentation. Dropping mentation is meditation and accepts nothingness. Be nobody. And in that very no bodiness, something will sprout. Be nothing and in that very nothingness Godliness flowers.”

107) Beloved Osho, have you Ever been Wrong?
“Just this time, answering you!

108) Beloved Osho, Who is the wise man and who is the fool?
“The only one who is ready to lose for all is the one who is a wise man. He who has lost himself and purchased ordinary things, who has sold the master, and filled his house with useless things. He is the fool”

109) Beloved Osho, What is the range of intellect, Feeling, and Being?
“Up to your intellect, the whole world can come and make contact. Up to your feeling, only love and friendship can come and make contact. Up to your Being, Only you; not even your lover can come!”

110) Beloved Osho, Is there any Golden Rule for the disciple?
That there are ‘NO GOLDEN RULES.”

111) Beloved Osho, When will a man become mature?
“In fact the day a person decides not to ask for things he likes. But starts to like things which happen- the day a man becomes mature.”

112) Beloved Osho, How can I know if detachment or indifference is growing within?
“When you are growing in detachment you will become healthier, happier, your life will become a life of joy. Joy is the criterion of all that is good. With indifference there is no possibility that joy can grow. In fact if you have any joy. That will disappear.”

113) Beloved Osho, What is the original sin?
“The original sin is to become knowledgeable”.

114) Beloved Osho, Even given the limitations of our so called love has anyone in the world ever been loved as much as you?
“That’s true. Nobody has ever been loved as much as I am loved by you. But remember, nobody has ever been hated as much as I am hated by the others. This is natural. Love and hate balance.

115) Beloved Osho, Have not Religions done any good to humanity?
“Corpses cannot do any Good to anybody, unless you like stinking things.”

116) Beloved Osho, for the first time, I feel like meditating. I don’t want to believe in anything. I don’t understand anything. There is nothing to hold onto. I just want to experience your silence. Is this the point?

117) Beloved Osho, I do not know the question, but would you please still answer it?
“I will answer it. And I will answer it three times .YES! YES! YES!”

118) Beloved Osho, Is there any proof for God?
“I am, you are, everybody is!”

119) Beloved Osho, Why am I afraid of other people?
“If you are afraid of yourself only then you are afraid of other people, If you love yourself you love others, because in relationship with others, If you hate yourself, You hate others, because in relationship with others it is only you mirrored. The other is nothing but mirror.”

120) Beloved Osho, What is spiritual Bullshit?
“All bullshit is spiritual and all spirituality is nothing but bullshit.”

121) Beloved Osho, Organizations have always frightened me because I Felt there is a built-in evilness and may be a Necessary evil. Osho international is an organization and has every possibility of becoming a very powerful organization. Can you tell me why the organization is necessary?
“YES, because Evil is necessary.”

122) Beloved Osho, I would like to ask you … I am requesting about being killed?
“That will do… Don’t request it. That I will do without request, don't be worried about it. That’s the Only thing I know how to do.”

123) Beloved Osho, What does it mean- Be virtue?
“Virtue will be surrendering the knowledge. Vomiting the knowledge, cleaning your head completely throwing all knowledge out. The apple that Adam swallowed is sticking in everyone’s throat.”

124) Beloved Osho, How should a sannyasin has to live?
“Be simple, be natural, be spontaneous follow your own light. Don’t be bothered by others should and should not. That’s the freedom a sannyasin has to live.”

125) Beloved Osho, Did you have an awareness of your past lives before you were Enlightened?

126) Beloved Osho, MeherBaba remained silent for the last forty five years of his life. Please comment on its implications?
“There is nothing much in it. He just got fed up with the questions of his disciples. And sometimes the Idea arises in me too! So watch!!”

127) Beloved Osho, Who, According to your opinion is the most important contemporary?

128) Beloved Osho, How can your enlightenment be catching?
“Just like a cold! It is catching, how does laughter catch? Why suddenly do you all start Laughing together? Enlightenment happens just the same way. Just wait. It is going to happen to you too!”

129) Beloved Osho, What is spirituality? What is Enlightenment?
“All Bull shit! There is no spirituality. There is no Enlightenment. To know this is to be enlightened.”

130) Beloved Osho, Do we have to transcend Sex before getting Enlightened?
“You don’t have to transcend anything. You have to live everything. That is natural to you and live it fully, without inhibition joyously, aesthetically. Just by living it deeply transcendence

131) Beloved Osho, How to live Authentic life?
“If you want to live authentically and sincerely then just be ordinary. Then no-body can compete with you, you are out of the race of competition which is destructive!”

132) Beloved Osho, What is knowing?
“Knowing happens when there is no knowledge. Knowing is your Quality. The Quality of Consciousness.”

133) Beloved Osho, My parents are so disappointed in me. How can I turn away from them?
“I am not saying turn away from them. I am saying don’t follow them. They have helped you physically; you have to help them spiritually. That will be the only way to repay them.”

134) Beloved Osho, in what form existence has come to me?
“Existence has come to you as life in millions of ways. When a woman smiles at you Remember it is existence smiling at you in the form of a woman. When a flower opens its Petals look, watch, existence has opened its heart in the form of flower.”

135) Beloved Osho, What is the greatest gift we can share to people?
“There is nothing more valuable in life than to share your love, your meditation and your understanding. That’s the greatest gift we can give to people. Buddha has said, “The greatest gift is to give dhamma to people.”Dhamma simply means, “The ultimate law.”

136) Beloved Osho, to prove the Truth-Argument is needed or not?
“If you have a direct communication with existence, No argument is needed to prove it. You know it. Argument is needed only when you don’t know it. Do you need any argument? For the sun, for the moon, for the starry night? Do you need any argument for things that you know? You need arguments for Hell. You need arguments and great theological systems to prove heaven.”

137) Beloved Osho, Why are you so much against the followers?
“The follower is stupid; He follows out of his stupidity, because he cannot depend on himself. He starts depending on somebody else. But he is a slave, a psychological Slave. And psychological slavery is a deeper slavery than all other slaveries.”

138) Beloved Osho, Why was Buddha walking so cautiously?
“Buddha had something tremendously fragile which could be dropped in any moment of unawareness and be lost.”

139) Beloved Osho, Are you ever bored with us?
“Sure. But only when you ask such stupid questions?”

140) Beloved Osho, What is the Greatest Adventure?
The Greatest Adventure that can happen to a human being is the movement from mind to no-mind. The movement from personality to Individuality.”

141) Beloved Osho, Why you don’t dream?
“I never sacrificed anything. I have never done anything against myself. Whatever I want to say I say; whatever I want to do, I do. I have never followed anybody; I have never taken anybody’s advice. I have lived a very innocent, primitive simple life. That’s why there are “NO DREAMS”.

142) Beloved Osho, Do you do any Art work?
“My whole work is ART! I don’t do anything else EXCEPT ARTWORK!”

143) Beloved Osho, Does Mind exist?
“Millions of thoughts give you the illusion that mind exists. Mind does not exist as an entity. Only thoughts Exist.”

144) Beloved Osho, Do you have Children? Do you want children?
“I don’t have children, but I love children and I want it to be known that it is good to love children but it is not good to have children.”

145) Beloved Osho, What is Holy and what is unholy?
“Nothing is unholy! Everything is divine, Holy. In fact your sleep is divine and holy. Your awareness is divine and holy. These are two ways of Being Unaware or aware. But the being is always the sacred the holy. Remember, the taste of life, the whole life is ONE.”

146) Beloved Osho, Some people look at you as a Guru, and feel that they can see themselves through you. That you can mirror themselves to themselves?
“That is their fault……. Because I am nobody’s Guru!”

147) Beloved Osho, in the past, you’ve always said that our love is what keeps you in your body. Are all this negativity and everything that’s been happening recently affecting you? Will we lose you?
“There is every possibility”

148) Beloved Osho, How seriously do you take yourself?
“I don’t take seriously either myself or anybody else”

149) Beloved Osho, I want to go within but there are problems?
“You think because of the problems you are not going within. The real case is just opposite. Because you don't want to go within, you are creating problems.”

150) Beloved Osho, Is it possible to be as juicy as Zorba and as silent as Buddha at the same time?
“Yes, it is possible. But Zorba alone without being a Buddha is very superficial. Buddha alone without being Zorba has depth No-life. Together there will be depth. There will be playfulness. Don’t choose one.”

151) Beloved Osho, What do you say about drinking?
“A difficult question- Don’t take it seriously, a drink in time is fine.”

152) Beloved Osho, What is unhappiness?
“Unhappiness is the incapacity to understand life. The incapacity to understand oneself. The incapacity to create harmony between you and existence.”

153) Beloved Osho, When will I become original and authentically my own?
“You become original only when you transcend Mind. When consciousness faces Existence directly, Contacts Existence moment to moment- then you are authentically your own.”

154) Beloved Osho, You say, Start living your ordinary life in an Extra ordinary way. What is the extra-ordinary way?
“To bring Awareness, whatsoever you do, let it be soaked in Awareness. Let it be showered with Awareness.”

155) Beloved Osho, Human nature is tricky. It will create a simple institution to begin with and then turn it into an establishment so as to control it and the people it is there to serve. In such a situation can an Enlightened Master create an institution or a flexible fluid relating where the emergence of an authoritarian, organization is not possible?
“And what do you think I am doing here!”

156) Beloved Osho, What is peaceful mind?
“There is nothing like that. Mind itself can never be peaceful. No mind is peace.”

157) Beloved Osho, Do Masters ever yawn?
“Yes, they yawn but they yawn totally. When you yawn, you are there. When a Master yawns only the yawn is

158) Beloved Osho, Please define Friend and Fraud?
“If somebody wants you to have faith in him. He is a Fraud. And if somebody helps you to have faith in yourself, He is a Friend.”

159) Beloved Osho, What were you doing when you were a kid?
“I did nothing when I was a kid, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up and I practiced for it “

160) Beloved Osho, Does anyone or anything need correction? It puzzles me?
“No correction is needed. Just awareness is needed. Become more alert. No character is needed because all character is false. If you are not conscious, All morality is hypocrisy, If you are not aware, if you are not conscious.”

161) Beloved Osho, What is Blocking the Awakening in most people?
“Just a continuous flow of thoughts.”

162) Beloved Osho, What is hell? Is there really such a place?
“Religion has survived up to now because of your Fear and Greed. Hell is to create Fear and Heaven is discovered by the priests to dominate you to oppress you, to exploit you.”

163) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between imagining one is Enlightened and being Enlightened?
“What is the difference between you and me? That’s exactly the difference between being really enlightened and just imagining to be enlightened.”

164) Beloved Osho, I cannot trust anybody-why?
“If you can’t trust anybody that means you must be deceiving others. It is not question of others. It is a question of you. You must be deceiving, and if you are deceiving how you can Trust? You can Trust only if you allow others to Trust you. Without Trust, Neither Love is not possible nor prayer is possible, nor is Godliness possible.

165) Beloved Osho, Can machines help us become meditations?
“May be. But be careful. Not to put the cart before the horse.”

166) Beloved Osho, What is Prayer?
“Prayer is sending, blessings to all, sending your compassion to all. It is creating an antidote to negativity; (i.e.) positivity.”

167) Beloved Osho, What is a Mystic?
“Don’t know. And nobody else knows either .That’s why a Mystic is called Mystic. Something Indefinable, Something very elusive, something that cannot be grasped, that cannot be comprehended.”

168) Beloved Osho, Are some people more stupid than the others?
“Mind is stupid, unless you go beyond mind, you don’t go beyond stupidity; Mind as such is stupid.”

169) Beloved Osho, What can a living Buddha of the Twentieth century give to People?
“The Buddha can always give the something. Centuries don’t matter. He can teach you how to SPACE IN!”

170) Beloved Osho, Do politicians have Brains?
“I am sorry, I doubt it. If one has brains there are so many beautiful things in life to do; it is impossible for such a man to be interested in politics at all.”

171) Beloved Osho, What is simplicity?
“Simplicity means to be just you whosoever. You are in tremendous acceptance. It doesn’t mean to live a life of poverty. That is utterly stupid.”

172) Beloved Osho, Is there a person you would like to meet that you have never met? Can you name a personality?
“There was a person I wanted to meet. I met him thirty five years ago; MYSELF. Since then I have not had any desire to meet anybody.”

173) Beloved osho, How come I am crazy about you?
“I attract crazy people. I am crazy that’s why. But crazy people are beautiful people. They are the only sane people in the world.”

174) Beloved Osho, How to trust one Hundred Percent?
“Accept life whatsoever it brings, Trust, Mistrust, Love, Hate, God, Devil, Good, and Bad. You don’t try to change anything. Don’t try to correct anything. Be in a let go. That is 100%. TRUST”

175) Beloved Osho, I have visited many ashrams, but everywhere men and women are kept apart-Except here, why?
“Because this is an ashram for human beings. NOT for men, not for women we don’t make any distinction. Differences are there between men and women but there are no distinctions.”

176) Beloved Osho, I want to be changed, what to do?
“Just look at what you have been doing to yourself to your life. What have you made of yourself? What have you gained, what meaning have you attained, what significance have you experienced? People don’t ask such embarrassing questions because then they feel Very depressed. But these questions have to be asked. Unless you ask those questions, you are not going to change.”

177) Beloved Osho, You said today, “Ask a Buddha why he is happy and he will shrug his shoulders. Please, Osho, Why are you happy?
“I will not even shrug my shoulders.”

178) Beloved Osho, What is the basic thing in spirituality?
“It is the concept of freedom. Whether man is free to go beyond humanity or not.”

179) Beloved Osho, Is There an intellectual path to Enlightenment?
“There is no need for any path for Enlightenment Because Enlightenment is being here. Follow any path and you will be following a wrong path.”

180) Beloved Osho, It feels to me like after all those years of being with you and working right this moment, There is nothing else to do but to relax and let life take over. Is it so-or Am I just getting lazy?
“It is both. It is so, and you are getting lazy! But to be Lazy is my whole teaching. I am the lazy man’s guide to Enlightenment.”

181) Beloved Osho, Am I right or wrong?
“If you are sad you are wrong, if you are joyful you are right.”

182) Beloved Osho, You say: Be thankful to someone when he accepts the love you bring but the Seeds of my love fall Mostly on stony ground?
“Be thankful to the stony ground.”

183) Beloved Osho, When do I fail to remember my consciousness?
“When you see a flower, you say “What a beautiful flower!”You never say, “What a beautiful consciousness that you can experience this fragrance.” You simply fail to remember that which is hidden within you!”

184) Beloved Osho, What is an essential law of life?
“What you see within yourself, you start seeing the same within others.” This is an essential law of life.”

185) Beloved Osho, Why Don’t I Trust you?
“Trust is possible only if first you trust in yourself. If you trust in yourself, you can trust in me, you can trust in people, you can trust in existence.

186) Beloved Osho, I want to study Zen
“You cannot study Zen. You can have it. But you cannot get it. From someone else, and the simple reason is that you have already got it. It is just a question of forgetfulness.”

187) Beloved Osho, Who is the untrue sage?
“He who thinks that he has been doing so many virtuous acts. So many austerities, fasting, chanting who thinks that he has been living a religious life “.

188) Beloved Osho, What does it means when you say, “Just be yourself?”
“When I Say “Just be yourself” I am saying to you just be unprogrammed, unconditioned awareness.” That’s how you have come with the world and that’s how the enlightened person leaves the world.”

189) Beloved Osho, My mind has difficulty understanding the existence of Beginninglessness.
“Reality is indefinable. Reality simply is. There is no way to say what it is; it is not even a “that.” It is “This". It is This-ness: you can experience it, but it cannot be explained.”

190) Beloved Osho, I am very afraid of dying. Can you tell me what the secret of achieving a long life is?
“Keep Breathing………….!”

191) Beloved Osho, Are you en egoist or a humble person?
“Neither. I cannot be either. Humbleness is an expression of Ego. I am neither. I am simply whatsoever I am, neither humble nor egoistic.”

192) Beloved Osho, How to stop the Desire?
“THINGS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE” Once the simple statement is understood you stop Desiring. You stop willing that things should be patient.”

193) Beloved Osho, Do you have children?
“No. How could I have children? I don’t want my child to be in this world with Ronald Reagan, The Soviet Union, Ethiopia, and India. In this starving world, where people are piling up nuclear weapon to destroy the whole planet. I would not like my child to be in this world. NO.”

194) Beloved Osho, Why are you going to Italy?
“I don’t believe in nations. The whole of humanity is one. I am going to Italy because Italy is there.”

195) Beloved Osho, I understand everything that you say but why does my life still remain unchanged?
“To understand something intellectually is really to deceive you. You have not understood. The mind has only pretended to have understood. This is a trick. Because if you really understand it, then change to bound to happen. And mind doesn’t want any change.”

196) Beloved Osho, The human civilization is collapsing all around the world. What do you have to say about it?
“Rejoice in its collapse!”

197) Beloved Osho, All my dreams feel fulfilled, my master is dancing. My heart has wings. How Can there be anything more after this? Beloved Osho, Thank you.
“There is much more. There is no end to it. Soon your master will be drinking wine with you. Soon your master will be dancing in the disco. You have got a very unreliable man here. I can do anything and I am going to.”

198) Beloved Osho, What is the Way?
“Whatsoever gives you a feeling of Egolessness is the way.”

199) Beloved Osho, You seem to delight in contradictions?
“Yes, I am always contradicting myself knowingly. So that nobody can make a consistent philosophy out of me.”

200) Beloved Osho, Who really we are?
“Drop Christianity, Drop Islam, Drop Buddhism, Drop Hinduism. That which has been given to you by the society, by birth, by association, by culture, by country. Drop all that, so that you can find out who you really are.”

201) Beloved Osho, You say that you are “ALL LIGHT”. What about your name ‘Lord the
Night (Rajneesh)?

“Just one of those consistent inconsistencies of mine.”

202) Beloved Osho, Why you can manage to be against the whole world?
“Because I have found my own life source. I don’t depend on anyone, I don’t need any admiration any compliments, any Rewards, any Nobel Prizes. I am enough unto myself.”

203) Beloved Osho, What is maturity?
“My act is my reward and my act is my punishment and I am totally responsible for whatever I am doing. This is maturity.”

204) Beloved Osho, When does the boat reach the other shore?
“There is no other shore. This is the only shore. There is. And it is not a question of reaching somewhere else. It is a question of Awakening. HERE AND NOW. It is never there, it is always ‘HERE’, it is never then, it is always ‘NOW’ this moment contains the totality of Reality.”

205) Beloved Osho, Have you ever wandered, why you have come into such and Luck?
“No. I have simply accepted everything that has come my way. Good or Bad, I have accepted it.”

206) Beloved Osho, Who is a Bad Man? Who is a Good man?
“The Bad man is one who is inconsiderate of others, he is one who uses others and has no-respect for others. And one who thinks he is the centre of the world and everybody is just to be used. Everything exists for him. Good-man--- just opposite of the Bad man.”

207) Beloved Osho, Is it fair to put politicians with the dogs?
“I am sorry. I apologize. Because dogs are so innocent, it is not fair at all.”

208) Beloved Osho, Why do you admire Absurdity?
“Because Life is absurd. To search for meaning in it, is going to frustrating. Life is an absurdity. It is a Mystery. You need not search for Meaning. You have just to live it enjoy it.”

209) Beloved Osho, How can I get rid of doubt?
“Doubts have been created by people who are giving you beliefs. If you don’t have any belief, you do not have any doubt.”

210) Beloved Osho, Is Diet Important to Awaken?
“No, it is not important. But once you are awakened. It is difficult to destroy life for your food. So Before Enlightenment it is not important but after Enlightenment it is immensely important.”

211) Beloved Osho, I love my parents very much and now those they are getting older. I am afraid of losing them?
“If you have really loved a person, when he is gone. He is gone; you will not grieve much. If you have not loved the person deeply, then you will grieve much.”

212) Beloved Osho, Is there such a Thing as Right or Wrong?
“There is no such thing as Right or wrong because something may be Right this moment and it may not be Right the next moment. Something may be wrong today and may not be wrong tomorrow.”

213) Beloved Osho, Why is the whole world against you?
“They are all power-addicted people and I am trying to make man a pool of serenity, peace and silence and love and Ecstasy.”

214) Beloved Osho, What is tension?
“Tension means Hurry, Fear, Doubt, a constant effort to protect, to be secure, to be safe. Preparing for tomorrow, now or for the afterlife. Tension means the past that you have not really lived but only somehow by-passed. It hangs. It is a hangover. It surrounds you.”

215) Beloved Osho, What is unhappiness?
“Unhappiness is the incapacity to understand life. The incapacity to understand oneself. The incapacity to create harmony between you and existence.”

216) Beloved Osho, If you were to come here now to this ashram as a young unenlightened man, How would you respond? Would you become part of the ashram? What work would you do? Where would you sit?
“Even if I was unenlightened I would not be so unenlightened to come to this ashram. That much is certain. Even now I am not part of the ashram. I cannot be part of any Institution or any organization, even my own. I have never done any work. I am the laziest man in the world you can find. And the last you ask, “Where would you sit?” I would escape immediately! I would see some organization some ashram and I would run! You are asking where you will sit. I will not sit at all.”

217) Beloved Osho, What is curiosity?
“Curiosity is a good beginning but not the end. It is not hot enough to transform your life. It is superficial. You will have to create a longing to know truth, an immense, intense passion for truth.”

218) Beloved Osho, What is Life?
“Life is not something. That can be defined. No definition will do justice to it. Yes, it can be lived, it can be tasted but it cannot be defined.”

219) Beloved Osho, Why can’t I feel any wonder in Existence?
“You are too knowledgeable. You know too much. And all that you know is just HOLY COW DUNG. All knowledge always is. Knowledge is worthless. Wonder is precious.”

220) Beloved Osho, What would happen if suddenly now during discourse a crazy Zen master arrived On a motor-bike and climbed on to your stage?
“I will hit the Zen Master and kiss the motor-bike!”

220) Beloved Osho, Please comment, “the way of an Enlightened man.”
“The enlightened man cannot do wrong, cannot do evil. His every breath is in the service of Good; his every act is in the service of the divine. He himself is totally surrendered to the whole. Allowing the whole to use him in whatever way it wants.”

221) Beloved Osho, Life is tremendously serious…..
“No life is not serious! You are serious. Life is very non-serious. Nothing can be more non-serious than life. Life is absolutely NONSERIOUS!”

222) Beloved Osho, Why do you tell women sannyasins not to have babies?
“Because I cannot tell it to Men sannyasins.”

223) Beloved Osho, Why is India so poor?
“The so-called saints are responsible. They teach that the world is illusion obsession. It has to learn to love this and only the other world is true. India has to get rid of its other worldly world too. It has to learn that this world is also real. The very moment that happens will be a Great change in India’s Life.”

224) Beloved Osho, You often say that life is fun still sometimes; you seem to be taking things very seriously.
“That too is fun”

225) Beloved Osho, Why does the Buddha always say “Be a light unto yourself”?
“Simple. Buddha says be a light unto yourself because you cannot trust Indian Electricity!”

226) Beloved Osho, I enjoyed very much your coining the word ‘etceteranandas: I wonder how you did it?
“It is simple. You can go and see many saints In India and you will find that they have no Individuality, no uniqueness, no originality, No flavour of their own. They are Gramophone Records. Just quoting scriptures like parrots.

227) Beloved Osho, I am addicted to telling lies, what do I do it?
“It maybe just to feel superior, People start telling lies because that gives them a Speciality; they can pretend that they know things which nobody else knows!”

228) Beloved Osho, Why was the religion of Buddha utterly uprooted from India?
“A simple Reason. Because the public can forgive everything except Genius.”

229) Beloved Osho, I believe that nothing is impossible. What do you say about it?
“Then try to strike a match on a cake of soap.”

230) Beloved Osho, I have a deep desire to help others. In what way I should do?
“Remember, in any way the desire to impress the other, the desire to change the other, the desire to do good to the other, is violence! There should be no desire. And this is the beauty. When you don’t desire, to help the other, others are helped. And when you don’t desire to impress them, they learn out of their own Insight!”

231) Beloved Osho, What is the first principle?
“If I were to tell you it would become the second principle.”

232) Beloved Osho, Can I rely on my own experience?
“Experience comes and goes don’t rely on It. Unless you have found the experience who is feeling the joy, who is feeling pain, who is feeling well being, who is feeling sad, who is this Consciousness.”

233) Beloved Osho, How much longer will I have to run after you?
“It depends on you. You can run by my side or you can even ahead of me, but just don’t run away.”

234) Beloved Osho, I have a feeling that you already have two thousand enlightened people. Is it true?
“It is true. But please keep it a secret!”

235) Beloved Osho, How would you describe yourself?
“IMPOSSIBLE! Description is applicable only to objects. I am always witness. If I describe myself in the very nature of things that description becomes false, because I am again Witnessing it. I am always the witness which cannot be reduced to an object.”

236) Beloved Osho, How would you like to be remembered?
“I would simply like to be forgiven and forgotten. There is no need to remember me. The need is it. Remember yourself.”

237) Beloved Osho, When should children obey their parents?
“Nobody should obey anybody, unless their intelligence says it is Right. But that is you obeying your intelligence. Not your father, not your mother.”

238) Beloved Osho, Why does so much controversy surround you?
“If it were not so, it would have been really a surprise. Truth creates controversy because it shocks people. It shatters their illusions. They don’t want to leave their dreams. They are not ready to drop their investments in all kinds of foolish people.”

239) Beloved Osho, What do you call an Indian with half a brain?

240) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between imagining one is Enlightened and being Enlightened?
“What is the difference between you and me? That’s exactly the difference between being really enlightened and just imagining to be enlightened.”

241) Beloved Osho, You come every day dance with us, steal out hearts smile and disappear. Are you a Gypsy or something?
“I am a Gypsy or Nothing!”

242) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between you and me?
“The only difference is that I recognize my Godhood and you don’t recognize yours. Otherwise there is no distinction. I am as imperfect as you are! The difference is that I enjoy my imperfection and you don’t enjoy yours. I am perfectly happy with all my imperfections and you are not happy with yours. You have a notion of perfection and I have none.”

243) Beloved Osho, Who is the person who believes himself Extra-ordinary?
“The person who suffers immensely from an Inferiority complex.”

244) Beloved Osho, What you have talked about seems Quite Modern?
“What I am saying is not Modern, What I am saying is the Eternal Truth. It has always been said, it has always been felt, Buddha felt the same, Christ felt the same, and Krishna felt the same. Only the way of EXPRESSING it is modern. But the Expressed or the unexpressed is still ancient.”

245) Beloved Osho, What is your Teaching?
“To accept life in its Totality and not to divide it. There is nothing good and nothing Bad, Whatsoever Happens, Let it happen, Allow it. Don’t struggle.”

246) Beloved Osho, What were you doing when you were a kid?
“I did nothing when I was a kid, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up and I practiced for it “

247) Beloved Osho, Why you criticize the Buddha, the Jesus?
“If I see that something is not correct then it does not matter who the person is. I will criticize it. I have praised Christ, I have Criticized Christ. I have praised Buddha, I have criticized Buddha Because No human being is perfect. Perfection is not possible.”

248) Beloved Osho, I have many questions but each time a voice inside me says “Don’t ask –find out for yourself". But now it is too much because I don’t know where this voice is coming from?
“Can’t you recognize my voice?”

249) Beloved Osho, Do you know why you don’t have any sannyasins in Spain?
“The Bulls don’t like them!”

250) Beloved Osho, Please comment, “Worship the dead!”
“It is such an absurd effort to force living human beings to worship the Dead rather than finding the deeper layers of life ‘WITHIN’ themselves. Giving them teddy bears outside, consolations. Ugly consolations. Degrading consolations is stupid.”

251) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between human beings and other animals except for the bodies?
“The form of your body is different, but no form. Consciousness within you is the same”

252) Beloved Osho, I love my work and I feel totally absorbed in it. Does that make me a workaholic?
“A workaholic is not total in his work. A workaholic is addicted to work. He cannot sit silently. He has to do something;

253) Beloved Osho, Last night I dreamed of thousands of orange elephants all wearing mala’s Their white elephant king what can this mean?
“This simply shows that not only man but elephants can also go mad!”

254) Beloved Osho, What should happen to all this after you are dead?
“I don’t care. The connection finished. The world is no longer there for me. Just as I am no longer there for you. I become absent to you. You become absent to me.”

255) Beloved Osho, The other day you said that you are a mirror. What do you see when you Look at yourself in your Bathroom mirror in the morning?
“Just nothing”

256) Beloved Osho, No matter what I am doing after a while I become bored. How can I maintain Excitement about my worship?
“Anybody who wants to maintain excitement is bound to get bored just remember:”THIS TOO WILL PASS!”

257) Beloved Osho, What did we do to deserve you as our Guru, our Master?
“I didn’t know anything about you. But I must have done terrible karma to deserve you.”

258) Beloved Osho, How to be a good Christian?
“I don’t want you to become Christians. That is useless. That is a lie. I would like you to become Christs. And you can become Christs because you have the same seed.”

259) Beloved Osho, Are you really the first Buddha who jokes?
“I am not only the first Buddha who jokes but the last too…..Because I am going to tell all the jokes! I am not going to leave a single joke untold!”

260) Beloved Osho, What has an Indian got inside his skull?
“A piece of paper with ‘BRAIN’ written on it.”

261) Beloved Osho, Why do you Jaina monks live naked?
“They suffer from clothestrophobia.”

262) Beloved Osho, Who are the people you admire most?
“I certainly admire my people most.”

263) Beloved Osho, What you meant by Authentic living?
“Learn sitting silently, become a mirror. Silence makes a moment to moment. You reflect life. You don’t carry an album within your head. Then your eyes are clear and innocent. You have clarity. You have vision. And you are never untrue to life.”

264) Beloved Osho, What kind of a man are you?
“Just crazy. Nothing”

When you say,” Just a crazy man…” What does that mean?
“Exactly what it means!”

265) Beloved Osho, Why did you decide to speak Why did you decide to speak instead of writing your philosophy?
“My spelling is far worse than my pronunciation.”

266) Beloved Osho, What would you do if by some crazy twist of fate you became prime minister Of India?
“I will resign immediately.”

267) Beloved Osho, Do you ever tell lies?
“I am a liar and a perfect liar at that and this too is a lie.”

268) Beloved Osho, Is Osho going to be like the Coca-cola Advertisement all over the world?
“Why not….?”

269) Beloved Osho, What is a miracle?
“To me everything is a miracle. I never come across anything that is not a miracle. Only miracle exists. Everything is such a surprise. It is so unbelievable.”

270) Beloved Osho, Are you really crazy?
“How can I be crazy? I have no mind out of which to go!”

271) Beloved Osho, Jokes aside, Please tell me who am I?
“Swami Satyananda!”

272) Beloved Osho, Is your Big smile the only Answer?
“I think you have found it.”

273) Beloved Osho, I want to get married. Please give me your blessings?
“I can bless your love, but I cannot bless your marriage. If love itself is your marriage, then all of my blessings are there for you. Otherwise wait. It is better to wait than to repent later on.”

274) Beloved Osho, Are all enlightened Masters Rascals like you? To me your rascaliness is even more predominant than your joke telling. Are you trying to trick us all into enlightenment?
“A thousand and one thanks for the compliment!”

275) Beloved Osho, Who is sinner and who is a saint?
“The sinner exists because of the saint; the saint exists because of the sinner. They are relatives. So if you want to be a saint, you will create a sinner. So be aware don’t become a saint.”

276) Beloved Osho, How do they catch a lion in Russia?
“Please don’t ask such difficult question. They arrest cat and torture him until he admits, He is a lion”

277) Beloved Osho, Why is there so much misunderstanding in the world?
“Because People are unconscious, because people are fast sleep. Because People are Robots, Communication is impossible. The only way to communicate is in Love, through silence. But nobody knows how to be in love, in silence.”

278) Beloved Osho, Who are you?
“I don’t know at all. If sometime you come to know please tell me.”

279) Beloved Osho, What is beyond the Mind?
“You, Consciousness, Truth, Bliss.”

280) Beloved Osho, What exactly is the difference between Vision and illusion. Can only an Enlightened person have a vision?

281) Beloved Osho, Why is that you are not prepared to answer any question?
“Because they belong to the past, which is finished.”

282) Beloved Osho, It is obvious that you are in love with maroon. Why don’t you yourself wear maroon?
“I am in love with maroon? God Forbid! I hate it! That’s why I force you to wear it. It is a sort of punishment for not being enlightened yet!”

283) Beloved Osho, Which term is most characteristic of you… Philosopher, Thinker, Messiah, Rebel, Revolutionary or Genius?
“None of these terms categorize me, because I am a simple human being awakened, alert, self realized. Remember me just someone amongst you... Not holier, not higher. I don’t belong to those big categories. I belong among the very ordinary human beings who have no categories”

284) Beloved Osho, What are the three things common in all Government programs in India?
“A beginning, a Muddle and No end…..”

285) Beloved Osho, You look very crazy to me.

286) Beloved Osho, I was really touched when I heard you talking about your ordinariness. And in the same moment I realized that I don’t want to see that you are ordinary. I see such a big distance between me and you please comment:
“I am not! Who told I am ordinary? I don’t take care about yesterdays. I am an extraordinary person! So rejoice…… You are right. I was wrong!”

287) Beloved Osho, Do you smile when we are serious and long faced in your audience?
“What else can I do?”

288) Beloved Osho, Can enlightenment happen to a lazy man?
“It happens only to a lazy man.”

289) Beloved Osho, What is the real meaning of “Christians Cross”?
“Jesus hanging on the cross becomes a symbol and it is an extra ordinary symbol. That, those who want to reach the divine should have the courage to hang. Their ‘EGO’, their ‘I’ on the cross.”

290) Beloved Osho, Do you love me?
“No, never because I don’t do anything, if you feel my love. It is because “I AM LOVE”.”

291) Beloved Osho, Is there anything special that People should know about you or is there anything Unknown about you?
“There is nothing unknown about me. But one thing you must make Swiss people Aware of about me:

292) Beloved Osho, I wonder… What is Hassidism?
“I also wonder”

293) Beloved Osho, Why am I so afraid of being free?
“Everybody is. Freedom is a great risk. People talk about freedom, but nobody really wants to be free. It is pure talk. Everybody wants to be dependent; everybody wants somebody to take the responsibility. In freedom, you are responsible for every act every thought, every movement, you cannot dump anything on anybody else.”

294) Beloved Osho, What is best Government?
“No Government. The very idea of somebody else is inhuman. Government is a game. The ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world”

295) Beloved Osho, What is the difference between you and me?
“I am a being. You are a becoming. Not that I am special and you are ordinary that is utter Non-sense. If I am special then everybody is special. If you are ordinary, then I am ordinary. We belong to the same reality.”

296) Beloved Osho, How do you keep an Indian busy all day?
“Give him a piece of paper with P.T.O written on both sides.”

297) Beloved Osho, You have the champagne, I have the water. You say you are the ordinary man. Where does that place the rest of us?
“You will be drinking water and I will not be touching the champagne. That is the difference.”

298) Beloved Osho, How many idiots are here?
“It is a very simple question. There are only two types of people in the world either you are ENLIGHTENED OR ………!”

299) Beloved Osho, Why do you emphasize the importance of HERE AND NOW so much?
“HERE is the only space. NOW is the only time. Beyond the here-now There is nothing.”

300) Beloved Osho, What is Enlightenment?
“To be just ordinary, to live, to enjoy, to love, to dance, to sing, to create .The very ordinary existence with an extraordinary intensity with passion. That is Enlightenment.”

Tuesday 2 August 2011

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1 comment:

Dr.Ilangho RP said...

Fab Osho, Sweetheart !